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Kota Dumai recent comments:

  • DISTRO CONSPIRACY, ferii (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    hafis kreeen euyy
  • Kantor TIKI Dumai, fhaniels (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    kalau tiki di jalan jend. sudirman di dumai ada ga?
  • SMA Negeri 1 Dumai, radar (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
  • Kantor TIKI Dumai, A'mal rijal (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    telah di buka juga GERAI TIKI ,jln.P.DIPONEGORO (P.PAYUNG )Gg.SIPIROK DUMAI +/- 150 Mtr dari Jln.raya BUKIT DATUK' ( HP.085271094314 - 082172367489) SUXES FOR TIKI.MELANGKAH PASTI.
  • Kantor TIKI Dumai, ANIK (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    mau nanya... no resi 020125618434 ada gk?? udh 1 mnggu blum juga nyampe barang nya??
  • St.M.Marbun, 3dw412d (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Rumahnya pak M.Marbun ato lebih dikenal dengan Pak Kembar...Karena ada dua anaknya yang kembar yaitu anak pertama (Robert Banjarnahor) dengan anak kedua (Ernawaty Banjarnahor)
  • Cybertech™ Computer Center, Martin Matuška (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    especially now I hear they've been using a proxy server and dns server of their own, so that it will increase the speed of loading data from the Internet. And there is no access blocked sites such as the many reported by local media. it's just that the atmosphere there is too noisy, hot and a lot of dust.
  • Komplek Perumahan KPPN Dumai, okta (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    where dumai city housing...address please ?? it's good if dumai have housing/perumahan..have a credit of small type and big. this very helpful people to have home ownership ............... thanks I hope to as I said, it as my opinion ...
  • Kantor Dok Dumai, Jimmy (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Gilaaa...!! Betah amat ya... hahahah
  • Cybertech™ Computer Center, Jimmy (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Yes u right.. but don't using the computer inside box, there are old computers, more better u using outside. I can download file with rate more than 100KBps on there.
  • Place of Agus Simatupang, jamuran wrote 14 years ago:
    hehehe.. I ever from this home..
  • Jl. Bukit Datuk Lama, 2, adilistrik.20052008 (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    kok loyo mua nie ngak da yang nangapi,tau udah pada sibuk semua yaaa,kapan ni ngumpull ngumpulll bareng,lau ada call ya.085274779683
  • SMP Negeri 2 Dumai, Zulkifli AS, Msi (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    You was make a mistake.. not all building are SMPN 2 Dumai have another school here
  • Cybertech™ Computer Center, LoRdCyBeR wrote 15 years ago:
    I can't believed you.. I was try it last day.. there have nice speed I warranty that.. Lol
  • Cybertech™ Computer Center, Mr.X`s (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    isn`t it...?? i think every Internet cafe don`t have a good Conection... lie... ha..
  • Warnet Linux "Suai-net", suainet (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    warnet dengan OS Linux
  • SMKN2 DUMAI, cipto adi (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    kapan tuch ngumpul bareng nich .udah lama ni ngak gumpul gumpul lg. yaaaaaaaaaa kagen sich.kangen sama cito bengak nyo.hehehehheh
  • YS 1, pesos wrote 15 years ago:
    YS 68 Rumahku
  • TK Bhayangkara Dumai, Feri (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    inget masa kecil... satu satu... aku sayang ibu.. hehehe
  • Masjid Istiqlal, ad dumayyi (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    keep da'wah Brother...!!